Appendix 3 – Summary of comments on Northease Drive carriageway site.

(TRO – 43b – 2023 Outer).

There were 33 objections to this site. Many objections made the same points. The list below summarises the main points made.

1)            The adjacent wellbeing clinic has between 200-250 visitors to the clinic a week. A large majority are either elderly, pregnant, parents with babies or have physical or mental health issues that they need support with. They need to drive and won’t come if they don’t have parking. There will be a restriction of people's ability to access the clinic services. The majority of wellbeing clinic patients are not able to use public transport.


2)            All the practitioners/teachers at the wellbeing clinic are experts and people travel there because parking is currently easy. Without the parking, this then becomes an equality issue.


3)            The Wellbeing clinic is a community space and an asset to the area, bringing people together with the classes and treatments available. It also brings custom to the other businesses in the area.


4)            Don't ruin these businesses livelihoods buy reducing parking spaces for customers to come into these shops.


5)            Taking parking discriminates against a huge majority of the Hangleton population and Hove residents who live and work in this city and need to look after their health.


6)            The residents in the surrounding streets will also not be happy as it will push all our clients' cars along to park outside their houses. Northease Drive has recently lost two other parking spaces with residents further up Northease Drive turning their front gardens into drives.


7)            Concern there will be more cars parked on the residential pavements, not allowing access for mobility scooters and mothers with prams to use the pavements.


8)            The bikes situated here would cause safety issues at the roundabout


9)            The bikes will block access to the shops for deliveries.


10)         The bikes should be located in a leisure area e.g., Greenleas car park, Hove entrance to Devil’s Dyke Cycle trail or somewhere else where more demand is likely e.g., Park School Valley Campus .


11)         Cycle hire is not really needed in Hangleton particularly as it is so hilly few people choose to cycle and those that do have their own bike. A lot of Hangleton residents are senior or have young families who would very unlikely have a need for the bikes. Not many/any cyclists currently use this area so it would be an inefficient use of council funds.


12)         While there is access to the downs you wouldn't normally travel to Hangleton to access them especially as the proposed place is at the bottom of the large hill.


13)         There was no consultation with residents at all - the right thing to do would be to ask, not try and sneak it.


14)         The parking to the north side of Northease Drive has already been reduced by the recent introduction of bicycle racks. By placing the cycle hire docking places in this location, it will reduce the number of parking spaces even more, making drivers park even more dangerously further up the road so that they can 'pop' into the shops. This will then cause even greater problems for buses manoeuvring and pedestrians crossing the street.


15)         Delivery drivers will park (illegally) closer to the roundabout, blocking the south lane and making it difficult to drive down the road to the roundabout without affecting traffic coming off the roundabout. They are already doing this to access the delivery lockers outside Oscars/make deliveries to the shops causing near misses when cars have had to pull out into the north lane to pass them, without being able to see clearly onto the roundabout for any cars turning.



Comment in favour:

1). Fully welcome the addition of the bike hire scheme up in Hangleton! Will make a big difference! Thank you! I can use the bikes from outside Oscar’s to get to Portslade station (no public transport link).